Here's the answer:

A full-service Pre-Gym Programme of easing yourself into a training regime to suit you.

Not only can you enrol at the Feel More Alive Pre-Gym Programme with the absolute confidence that you'll never look or feel out of place, but you'll be able to take advantage of a great membership discount once you're ready.

Unhappy with your weight or size? Struggling with your confidence?


Let's face it, we all have to start somewhere. And everyone who's currently a member of Feel More Alive knows this all too well.

At Feel More Alive, we actively encourage an atmosphere of friendliness and support.

Most people who work out with us do so because, just like you, they want to get fit and start feeling good about themselves.

This shows, in the ways in which our members and our staff interact. Everyone gets on famously, with nothing but encouragement for each others' efforts.

And the members who've been with us for just a few months are noticing the difference – and so are their friends, families and co-workers.


So many of our members have started with our Pre-Gym Programme.

Just look at what's included:

3 weeks of home-based online diet and exercise advice

Full walking programme to ease you into training

Your own personal progress pack to track your improvements

(available online and offline)

We want you to feel confident before you join the gym. 

And once you have, the only way is up.

Speak with one of our wellness advisers today or click the button below if you are ready to get started.

without delay by clicking the button below and filling out your details.