A revolutionary new nutrtion "for mind, for body... for life" 

This is a unique online programme for mind AND body. Based on healthy eating, a whole 21 days’ support and education from the DROPiT21 Team.

If you are truly ready to make a positive lifestyle change then DROPiT21 is the programme for you.



DROPiT21 is a structured weight loss plan geared towards people with busy home and work lives, but who want to make a positive change to live healthily.

  • NO calorie counting.
  • NO pills.
  • NO shakes or meal replacements and it’s not a quick fix faddy diet that is impossible to stick to.

Find out more about the programme by watching the video below:


What is DROPiT 21?

DROPiT21 is simply about getting back to basics in the approach to food and cooking, avoiding sugar and chemical-laiden processed, refined and packaged foods. It’s about eating real foods, as close to their natural form as possible.

  • Protein: ALL meat / fish, nuts and other unrefined protein sources
  • Vegetables/Fruit: Virtually ALL vegetables and limited fruit
  • Carbohydrate: Good quality (unrefined and natural sources)
  • Drink: Water, fruit, herbal and green teas 

Our mission statement is to “Educate, motivate and inspire people with realistic and sustainable healthy, active, lifestyles through Positive Change”.

Why Use It?

  •  Significant weight loss
  •  Significant inch loss
  •  Increased energy and fitness levels
  •  Better complexion
  •  Better sleeping patterns
  •  Better mood
  •  Break addictions to sugar & caffeine
  •  Improved confidence
  •  Improved general health  


DROPiT21 is a completely online programme focusing on education and motivation based around clean eating, fitness and most importantly wellbeing. It is designed to be fully inclusive for both male and female of all shapes and sizes, of any age.

What people have to say about DROPiT21

Ready to Start?

Click the button below